My name is Mattia. Mattia without an ‘h’ like in English, without a Spanish final ‘s’ but with double ‘t’ Italian way. Because my mom Giulia, Giu not with ‘J’, is Italian and my dad Marco, without final ‘s’, is also Italian as well as French. Since I was born in Panama it seems like I can have three nationalities Italian, Frenchie and Panamanian. So, I’m European and Central American but I prefer to consider myself citizen of the world.
I was born on the 7th of March, under the auspices of the Pisces like Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Justin Bieber…. oh well… you tell me who you prefer because I know none…but I see you’re giggling on the latter…
While coming out of my mum, I heard Jack Johnson’s Island style song, great Hawaiian twist. I have the feeling that I will like this thing you call ocean!
Everybody says I’m a big boy 54 centimeters for 4.2 kilos. Indeed, the bracelet name tad doesn’t fit my wrist. Yes, a big hungry boy!
My name comes from biblical Hebrew Mattanyahu, which became Mattaniah in the bible. The name appears in the new testament as the apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas Iscariot… oh well… Eventually, it means Gift of God.
My name is Mattia Selva Baldi.